+32 (0)2 218 39 20

Privacy policy

Privacy Policy

Kiddy & Junior Classes is the party responsible for determining the processing and means of processing of your data as well as their purposes.

Legal address:
Kiddy & Junior Classes
Rue de France 103, 1000 Brussels
Company number: 0457.928.189

Kiddy & Junior Classes gives a lot of importance to the confidentiality of your personal data and respect for your privacy.

We invite you to read our privacy policy carefully in order to understand your rights and its various aspects.

Our privacy policy was developed according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which took effect in 2018.


Protection of your data

1. Data collection

When you register on our website, we collect personal data such as: gender, first and last name, nationality (contact language), date of birth, e-mail address, postal address (including invoicing address), country of residence, telephone/mobile phone number, bank account, username and other possibly necessary details.

Exceptionally, at the time of registration, we collect data in relation to the health of your child, this happens only within the framework of the activities followed by the child for a well-defined period of time (Examples: various allergies, food allergies, asthma, hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder, etc...). The child's legal guardian is free to communicate or not these health-related data.

This information may be essential in order to welcome the child in the best conditions during our language courses, cultural, artistic, culinary and sports activities and various events; this includes meal services booked via our subcontractors.

We also collect the personal data of our subcontractors and their staff in the context of our joint activities (our teachers, our partners, the enrolled children of our subcontracting partners).

As part of the organisation of its courses, Kiddy and Junior classes may be required to communicate a copy of a criminal record extract and/or a CV of its teachers to a client or subcontractor.

2. Purpose of data

We record your personal data in order to be able to ensure the administrative, financial and operational follow-up of your enrolments to our courses, camps, events, sessions or infrastructure bookings …

We also collect your data in order to send you different type of information such as: newsletters with various events organized by Kiddy and Junior Classes or our partners, new language course formulas, new activities, new partner centres, our promotional offers on courses, language stays, courses or birthday parties.

3. Length of time that we keep the personal data

Personal data is kept for 3 years and it may be consulted by our secretary office, the Kiddy iclub administrative managers and the staff who supervises the activities you have enrolled your child for.

Kiddy and Junior Classes subcontractors and their teams have access to this data for the duration of the activities in which the child is enrolled.

4. The right to access your personal data

According to the GDPR law, you can access and get your personal data rectified by logging on to your MyiClub space or by contacting the secretarial services during office hours.

It is important that your data is correct and up to date.

5. How to withdraw your consent

For any ongoing course, your consent must be validated so that your child's data can be processed, see paragraph 1 and 2 of this document.

If you wish to withdraw your consent for the use of your personal or any of your family members’ data (whose data is accessible in your MyiClub account), it is enough to edit the data of the person concerned and click on: I withdraw my consent

6. Right to oblivion

The right to oblivion allows you to ask us to delete your personal data or these your family members. This means that all such data will be anonymised. Please note that we will only be able to respond to this type of request once you have ceased all activities in our school and all administrative formalities relating to your activities have been finalised.

7. Right to portability

The right to portability of your or your family members personal data  commits us to provide you with a copy of all personal data concerning you or one of your family members, whose data is accessible in your MyiClub account, at the earliest possible time following your request. We will notify you as soon as these files are available. You will be able to collect them during the office hours.

8. Image rights

During our activities we sometimes take pictures of the participants. Please confirm that you authorise Kiddy and Junior Classes vzw to reproduce and use the photos of your child taken during the activities where he/she will participate. Only group photos can be taken. You can accept the transfer of image rights or withdraw this right by accessing your Myiclub account.

9. Disclosure of the personal data to third parties

The personal data provided will not be disclosed to third parties. They may be communicated only within the framework of the course/camp, to supervisors, teachers, partners of the activities chosen by the participant.

10. Our data protection officer

If you have any questions regarding the protection of your personal data and your rights related to such data, please contact our data protection policy manager: Ms. Gulizar Doner Erbas at info@kiddyclasses.net.

11. Changes to our privacy policy

Updates will be posted on our website, you’re kindly invited to read them carefully.