Price : 225.00 Eur

Brussels (Kiddy Junior Classes)

Kiddy Junior Classes
Rue de l' Industrie 40, 1000 Brussels
(Arts-loi, Trône metro station - Bus 12, 54, 21, 27, 64)

• Child-minding : 10.00 Eur
• cancellation insurance : 6.75 Eur
• Enrolment with brothers and sisters : -11.25 Eur
• Company discount 5% : -11.25 Eur
• Company discount 10% : -22.50 Eur
• Last-minute enrolment : 20.00 Eur

Our teachers teach their mother tongue to children and teenagers in a lively way.
The active method that targets oral communication is the most natural way to learn a new language.

  • 3-5 years old: Learning occurs naturally through games, music, songs, body language, theater plays etc...
  • 6-11 years old: The target language is approached through everyday life situations and through topics in relation to their interests, favorite characters, games and other enriching activities, etc...
  • 12-18 years old: We focus on language skills improvement aiming their future success. Their areas of interest according to their age and maturity and debates on actual themes are gradually integrated to boost the oral skills.


3 hrs language +
Tennis: 2hrs tennis lessons + 1hr complementary activities. Great courses, for beginners and for more advanced players, in homogeneous groups.

The activity instruction is usually in French.


Organisation of the externship


Full time : 9:00-16:00 | Part-time : 9:00-12:00 or 13:00-16:00
Free childminiding : 8:00-09:00 + 16:00-16:30 | Payable childminding : 16:30-18:00
►Our advice for a soft welcome: Please arrive no later than 15 minutes before the start of the course

Composition of a group

Small group : Minimum 6, maximum 10 participants
Distribution: According to age and language level communicated at registration
Our quality advice: Contact our team the week before the chosen course to find out the composition

Meals, snacks and drinks

To bring to all centres

Material to bring

Language courses : A kit, some papers, cisors, glue
Multi-activities, sport : apron or old t-shirt, sportswear
3-5 year olds nap: blanket, comforter, pillow (in a bag)- only organised at Kiddy's centre

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